





... to the new world
of Q-Jeans®




Q-Jeans® collections


Are you a trendsetter?

The Q-Jeans®-design is extraordinary!

You are the centre of attention!





The Q-Jeans Experience

The Jeans

When Levi Strauß together with Jacob Davis invented the pants with rivets and got a patent for it about 100 years ago, this was a perfect idea for almost indestructible pants which also looked really cool. Until today this design of “Jeans” has had no real rival.

By the way, the name “Jeans” is the americanized name of the French city of “Gênes”, and “Denim” is the name of the typical weaving of Jeans fabric out of the French city Nimes = “de Nimes” (from Nimes) americanized “Denim”.

After almost a century of Standard Jeans production it is high time for a change.


The Idea

Jeans designs have not changed very much over the last century. Varying shapes which repeat themselves within decades wide or slim, short or long, stonewashed, holes patches and what else.

We feel it’s about time to bring a radical change.

Q-Jeans® is the next generation of this legendary kind of pants with our protected revolutionary zipper system.

The Q-Jeans is different, like its owner!

Are you bored by Mainstream? Test the revolution!

  • You will get used to Q-Jeans so quickly, your old Jeans will stay at home.
  • You will be the center of the show and even strangers want to talk to you.
  • The design Idea is so extraordinary, you can’t get enough of it.
  • It is sensationally practical. Why has nobody thought about this earlier?
  • Dispose of the old stuff to make place for more Q-Jeans®.

Our Philosophy

  • Extremely high quality and longevity.
  • Revolutionary design. The idea comes automatically with mental distance to standards
  • Form follows function (FFF) has been topic with engineering for centuries, we use this philosophy with the design of our pants. The spectacular design is the logical result of it.
  • Existing useful practical ideas of numerous pant-designs come as standard with the Q-Jeans.
  • We favor production under positive environmental conditions, no stonewashing, not holes etc.
  • No children’s work.
  • Fair and adequate payment to suppliers.
  • Despite of highest quality standards fair product prices.

The birth of the Q-Jeans®

Q-Jeans Geburt

Mike Bosetti, master of mechanical engineering, had a good idea for a practical zipper-design with pants, but he had no experience with fabrics and clothing. He knew for sure that he did not want any gimmicks like patches, holes or zippers with no function. After he met Gina Riehl, an established fashion designer they finished the unique Q-Jeans to the perfect match of function and design.

Subsequently the Qverall® had to follow, an overall with the Q-Jeans zipper system.

The Team

Unconventional thinking, very different professional educations and members of several generations is the perfect recipe for realizing unusual, clever and courageous solutions. Developing our ideas we leave old tracks behind us. We are not bound to old conventions of the fashion world and we look ways beyond the common horizon. It is natural for us to question the standards.

Mike Bosetti

Master of mechanical engineering, Initiator of the project, main shareholder and CEO.
Normally at home in the very different world of machine tool trading (www.btt-germany.de), as a traveler around the planet, he is the source of unconventional ideas in many areas and developed the concept of the extraordinary Q-Jeans®. Untouched by the standards of the fashion world, the idea of the ingeniously practical Q-Jeans® was developing to a revolutionary new design.

Lutz Rucktäschel

Master of economics, Chief of the IT department, shareholder and deputy CEO.
He’s the only real northern German member of the team. Mike “imported” him to the team. They have been friends for more than 40 years and share many hobbies. As IT-consultant of a well established IT-Company in Hamburg, he brings along an ideal base for modern IT solutions and communication systems.

Gina Riehl

Fashion designer, CAD (creative art director), professional taylor.
Her brilliant spirit completed the first concept decisively. She made the first prototypes and experimented with Mike until things were perfect. She has her own fashion label and is well established in the fashion world. As the creative head of the team, she constantly develops the looks and finesse to new heights. Her knowledge about materials, fabrics, quality and the developing of “prêt-á-porter” Fashion is an indispensible part of the project.

Vivien Klages

Social media marketing, communication, press, she is the youngest member of Team.
Vivi is a clever natural talent. For her, everything revolves around communication with the outside world. She is on social networks and takes care of press contact.